Evolutionary Astrology Lecture and Engagement Sessions-Astroimmersions.
On ZOOM… email me for the link
Thursdays- beginning February 27th, 7:00-8:30 pm central
Fridays- beginning February 28th, 11am-12:30pm central
I was going to say intensives.
Sounds kinda 8th house.
Since Pluto is transiting through mine now, I guess I gotta own it.
Immersions. That’s more 12th. We soak it up. Draw up nutrients from the wise alchemical Earth. Then present morsels to share.
Charcuterie board Astrology.
Would you like to bring something to the potluck? I’d love for you to join anytime. Link below….
DATES/TIMES and 14 minute TOPIC before student questions and chart exploration and navigation, below.
EXCHANGE: 20 usd or 375 zar or .01 bitcoin or one ounce of gold or your art, commodity, or other barter of kind.
$20 usd per ‘class’
These sessions are offered for the exploratory learning of all levels of Astrology through short lecture, question and answer engagement, and group chart observation. Weekly topics will be chosen by participants and, if desired, students’ charts may be used. Attend sporadically or twice a week! Drop in as you wish. Primary modes of delineation will be Evolutionary Astrology and Seasonal Archetypology- what I do. Please email with any question AND TO GET THE LINK!
Click below to sign up today! Tell your friends!
$200 USD for 11 attendances
$20 USD for one attendance
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