Evolutionary Astrology Lecture and Engagement Sessions!
On ZOOM… email me for the link
Thursdays- beginning January 9th, 7:00-8:30 pm central
Fridays- beginning January 10th, 10-11:30 am central
Week One: How Astrology works and how to work it in yo’ life.
Week Two: Karma, Soul intention, Evolution, and other imaginings
Week Three: Student’s choice
Week Four: …Tips, tricks, shortcuts, and other Astro avenues.
$20 usd per ‘class’
These sessions are offered for the exploratory learning of all levels of Astrology through short lecture, question and answer engagement, and group chart observation. Weekly topics will be chosen by participants and, if desired, students’ charts may be used. Attend sporadically or twice a week! Drop in as you wish. Primary modes of delineation will be Evolutionary Astrology and Seasonal Archetypology- what I do. Please email with any question AND TO GET THE LINK!
Click below to sign up today! Tell your friends!
$200 USD for 10 attendances
$20 USD for one attendance
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☆ Community Supported Astrology ☆
If you are interested in evolving and growing and empowering your life, join me as I take a heart-centered approach to observing the movements & rhythms of Celestial Archetypes. It is to you that I dedicate my energy, skill & imagination within each Daily Forecast I post. And it is you that I invite to join me for the next level…
Conscious Subscriber of REA ☆ CSA:
Intimate & engaged community forum for those who are truly interested in charting our growth & evolution, both as an individual as well as a collective force. Daily Forecasts go out every day via Private Facebook Group. Pssst, makes a great gift too!
Introduction to Astrology Classes
7:00-8:30pm central on ZOOM
Mondays 1/6 – 2/24/25
This 8 week series guides those interested in learning astrology on a gentle yet profound exploration of the basic definitions, principles, techniques, and procedures in Evolutionary Astrology. Students will emerge with a solid foundation from which to grow and expand their exploration of this useful and helpful art. Lecture and engagement based.
$250 usd